Ok so it has been a while since I posted a blog so here I am trying to fill in some gaps. Fall TV is in full swing and I still don’t have much to talk about, I am not sure if it is the lack of good shows on TV or if it is me being lazy. I think it is a combination.
Shows I am watching:
Desperate Housewives
Brothers and Sisters
Gossip Girl
One Tree Hill
Modern Family
Grey’s Anatomy
Private Practice
Real World/Road Rules Challenge
No Ordinary Family (I have been watching it online – it hasn’t made the DVR list yet)
Shows I am trying to catch up on:
The Event (I watched episode one and it pulled me in pretty fast, I am waiting on my husband to watch it so we can continue together)
Mad Men – We completed season 1 and now have to purchase season 2 (unless anyone has copy we can borrow)
Glee – we are about ½ way through season 1
Shows I am waiting on:
Friday Night Lights (final season)
American Idol (with the new judges)
General quick thoughts:
Brothers and Sisters: doesn’t have enough money to pay their full cast so they are getting rid of characters….which in turn is ruining story lines. They killed off Rob Lowe (that story line doesn’t bother me too badly). Then they say farewell to Rebecca….ok don’t get me wrong I really thought the Rebecca/Justin relationship was so icky in the beginning but they really made us want them to be together. They worked so hard for three seasons for us to like them as a couple and then in one fail swoop they tear them apart? I am confused, they both love each other and they are just going to part ways?? I hate this story line. Seriously there isn’t one story arch in this show that I like….but I keep watching.
Desperate Housewives : I only have one word to describe this show “desperate”….that is what the story lines scream…they are desperate to have ratings and desperate to keep the show alive.
Gossip Girl : I don’t like Serena and I believe this is another show that doesn’t think there story lines through. They have really messed up the couples on this show…The three big couples on the show (in my opinion) are Blair and Chuck (they will end up together), Lilly and Rufus and Dan and Serena…but how will Dan and Serena and Lilly and Rufus all ever be together when Dan and Serena are technically step brother and sister…WEIRD! I still love Chuck and Blair and they are the only good thing about this show. SERENA DRIVES BE CRAZY!!!!
90210: I don’t know why I watch this show, I started because I loved the original but now I still watch this show…Naomi is my favorite character and Annie gets on my nerves…I guess that is about right since last time I loved Kelly and hated Brenda.
One Tree Hill: Seriously have nothing to say about this show…I usually fast forward through most of it. OTH please make this your last season (even though I am pretty sure they are signed on for an additional season).
Grey’s Anatomy: the only things I care about on this show is Cristina getting better and Lexie and Mark getting together…the rest is mute. I still love Alex but they have totally screwed up his story line by removing his true love so I have no idea what I want for him.
Private Practice: This show is the MOST frustrating to me… Here is the original list of people I wanted to be together:
Addison /Pete
If you watch the show you see how none of these couples are together and it doesn’t look like any of them ever will be (nor do I want them to be anymore).
When Addison first stepped into Seattle Grace hospital she was a cheater, she cheated on McDreamy and all the TV world hated her…it took them a long time to make us like her and to accept her into our TV hearts….then we liked her enough to follow her to her own hospital (er…TV Show). NOW SHE IS SLEEPING WITH HER BEST FRIENDS EX HUSBAND?!?!?!?! WHAT ???? Writers why did we go down this road…I find myself not liking her again. I am so frustrated with this show because I have no idea who to pull for…
Now on to the shows I am actually enjoying:
Parenthood : this is my favorite show right now. I love this family. I love the dynamic between the actors. I love how true to life it feels. It is the perfect balance of comedy and drama. I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS SHOW!!! (It is on the bubble right now for being canceled – which makes me VERY SAD – more about that in my next post).
Modern Family: it is a nice break of laughter for me each week. Perfect timing, perfect actors!
Cutthroat- RW/RR Challenge – I have no idea why I love this show so much but I do! I always have. If MTV would ever sell this show (or Making the band Season 2) on DVD I would buy them in a second. The only down side to the Challenge is that we are slowing losing all the original players and so far I don’t like the newbies nearly as much but one day I am sure I will.
Thoughts on the Shows I am catching up on:
Mad Men: I am still not sure what the draw is here…it is a very slow show and I still don’t like ANY of the characters. However I want to see season 2 – but as you can see from my list of shows above I am not one to give up on a show or not see it to the end. Therefore I will continue to watch this show but I have not seen what everyone loves so much about it.
Glee: I kind of feel the same about Glee as I do Mad Men. Accept I really like the characters on Glee but I find it annoying and cheesy 60% of the time…but 40% of the time it is entertaining and fun.
The Event: Can’t say much about it, only watching one episode, but if every episode has my attention like the first one did I may have a new addiction.
Ok so there are my thoughts thus far this Fall season. What are your favorite shows on TV right now? What shows are you about to say goodbye to?
2 hours ago